Condition & Valuation Surveys
Whether for insurance, a legal dispute, or for the seller; request a condition and/or valuation report from us. Current local market conditions, as well as consultations with local brokers are taken in to account to provide the most accurate valuation possible.
Remote valuation surveys are also available from us.

Surveys for Insurance and Finance
Do you need insurance or finance for a yacht?
We can carry out what a risk assessment for underwriters or finance. This survey is not as detailed as a general condition or pre-purchase survey, but the main structural integrity and safety of the yacht is closely inspected and reported on by us.
This is usually accompanied by a valuation report.

Rigging Surveys
Years of experience are required to obtain an expert eye and attention to detail, which is crucial to surveying rigging and sails. We are able to ascertain the quality of the manufacturing process, the workmanship involved in the installation, and the current condition of the equipment.
How seaworthy is your rig?

Specialist Consulting
We have the expert knowledge and experience to answer your questions and provide recommendations on any of your electrical and mechanical systems on board, no matter how big or small.
Just have a look at our CV to find out more about our vast technical experience.

Supervisory Surveys
Have a local expert oversee your yard period so you don't have to. We can manage contractors and oversee all work done, so you don't have to waste your holidays doing yearly maintenance instead of sailing.
Regular supervisory surveys allows you to know exactly how the work is progressing and helps you to identify problems before they get more costly.